Broken leaf, broken heart: a message of encouragement

Heart-shaped leaf in woman's hand

Can I share some encouragement with you today? A big, heart-shaped leaf reminded me that Jesus still has a plan. Sometimes, life looks broken, but something beautiful is on its way behind the scenes.

Earlier this week, I was walking around my yard, soaking up the sunshine and admiring the beautiful fall colors.

How can the leaves be falling already?

I keep walking around with my eyes on the ground lately. I probably look funny, but the leaves on the paths are so pretty that I can’t help it.

One leaf got my attention more than all the others.

It was a really big, heart shaped, brown leaf.

And it had a huge hole right in the middle of it.

That leaf tugged at my heart… because it matched how I feel right now.

Life’s been so hard lately… I feel like my heart is on the ground with a huge gaping hole right in the middle of it, just like that leaf.

But I picked the leaf up… and Jesus began showing me His perspective.

The hole in that leaf was shaped like a perfect butterfly.

Unbelievable… but here the leaf is, right next to me on my desk as I type this.

Jesus used this broken looking leaf to deliver a message of hope to my hurting heart.

He reassures me that He has a plan.

Something beautiful will come of my heartache for my family… a divorce, health problems, mold in the basement… we’re going through a lot right now, my friends. Yet something wonderful and free will spring from my broken life and broken heart.

Maybe the holes in my heart look bad to me, but He sees beyond the wound to the beauty He will create there.

And knowing that something good will come of this changes everything… even though it changes nothing yet, if you know what I mean.

Wow… what a message to send through a leaf.

Can I remind you of the same thing today?

In the midst of your brokenness, He knows how to bring something beautiful out of it all. And He promises He will.

Through your times of struggle, you will come out transformed. Just like a butterfly, which has to go through a time of transformation in a chrysalis before becoming something beautiful, you will become something more than you are right now.

Even though we hurt right now, our hearts will be free and flying one day.

And in the meantime, I’m praying that Jesus will personally show you that He is with you, and He already has a plan… just like He showed me that He’s with me through a fallen leaf.

Heart shaped leaf in woman's hand

Whatever you’re facing, I hope you are encouraged by this reminder that beauty can come out of brokenness.


Ashley signature

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  1. Christine McGuire

    What beautiful encouragement! Thank you for sharing-I needed to hear that too! I’m thankful He’s opened your eyes and ears to catch His messages of hope and that you are willing to pass it on. 💕

    1. That Homeschool Gal

      I’m so glad to hear it was a blessing! Thank you!

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